From Rag and Bone to Diane Von Furstenberg, some designers have switched from cleaner and more neutral hair and skin for grittier and edgier. Or as much grit as a DVF wrap dress will permit.

The Diesel show and Rock & Republic stuck to tradition and sent out girls with rimmed eyes and stringy hair. Who knew these faceless labels could set beauty trends?

The Diesel show and Rock & Republic stuck to tradition and sent out girls with rimmed eyes and stringy hair. Who knew these faceless labels could set beauty trends?
And in honor of the gritty, intentionally (?) unkempt and old-lady look, take a look at this unidentified model hoofing oh so effortlessly it for Band Of Outsiders:
Throw out your shampoo bottles kids and don't bathe for days! Let that heavy bang hang!
1 comment:
what are the major trends for spring? *yAWn*
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